Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Perfect Story

I would have to say that my favourite brand story is the “Rag to Riches” story. I like it because I think I can relate the best to the brands that portray that story. I like the love stories within branding, when especially the ‘his and hers’ perfumes, but I think what steers me away from them a bit is how too perfect those stories are. Victoria and David Beckham come to mind with their line of his and hers perfumes. While I’m interested in trying Victoria’s perfume because I think she has a fantastic sense of style, I don’t like the brand story so much. It’s easy to fall in love with and get lured into that fancy story, but how realistic is it? David and Victoria are one of the few couples in Hollywood who are still together, but they have loads and loads of money, and they just don’t reflect the average person. Maybe that is the point, a brand love story like David and Victoria’s perfumes can take you away from reality, even if just for a moment.

That is why the Rags to Riches story appeals to me more, because I feel like I can relate to those people more. These were average people that built themselves up from nothing. I get proud when I think of companies like Mac, and I’m proud to own their stuff because it came from hard earned work. Mac all started in a garage, the two Steve’s were just average guys (with above average minds) and built up the empire we see today. Another favourite branding story that I like is JK Rowling’s. She wrote her very first Harry Potter in her car, and look at the empire she has now, she has more money then the Queen of England. I like these stories because these were ordinary people who had the same struggles we do, or sometimes worse, but they rose up. It’s inspiring, because it makes me feel I could do it too.

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