Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just one last thing…

It’s a good thing I checked back on the assignment, because I just realized now that we have to write six blogs opposed to the five I originally thought. Fortunately, I have covered five of the mandatory topics, therefore I get the luxury of writing a free for all as my last entry. I would like to write about particular brands that I really like and how they make me feel. In simpler words, this blog is about my love of shopping. You’ve been warned.

I would like to begin with saying that I hope my future husband shares my interest in lingerie because his credit card is going to play a big part in this aspect of our marriage. Having said that, I absolutely love Victoria’s Secret. It’s almost tough putting into words how this brand makes me feel. Their lingerie is all so beautiful that I get excited walking into the store. Which is uncommon, because sometimes there can be nothing worse then having to find something nice for something so intimate, filled with so much insecurity. For some reason this isn’t an issue for me when I’m in a Victoria’s Secret. It doesn’t matter what kind of body you have, you feel damn sexy in their underwear. I think the addition of curvier models was a very smart move on their part, because it makes every woman feel they can be that girl in the ads even if just for a second. I think their lingerie exudes sexiness, confidence and power. By power I mean, in today’s society where there is so much emphasis placed on being a size 0, its refreshing and empowering to be able to wear something so small and unforgiving and feel that damn good about it. Although, the power you feel over a man isn’t all bad either.

Mango is another brand I love. I can’t walk into that store and not walk out with something. Penelope Cruz is their spokesperson, she is in my opinion one of the all time most beautiful women on this earth, and many disagree with me. I think she is a timeless beauty and the definition of a real woman. She is intelligent and humble and has ridiculous sex appeal. Maybe she is what helps fuel my love of Mango. The clothes are very well priced for its quality, and I just like the stuff they make. It’s different. It’s a European clothing line with Spanish influence. There isn’t a piece I own from them that I haven’t got complimented on. I like that it looks like it cost a fortune, but it didn’t. This is not to say I want to look expensive, it’s saying that I feel smart about my purchases, I look and feel good without paying a huge price.

Christian Louboutin shoes. I don’t own a single pair because I could never afford them at this point in my life, so choosing a huge designer might sound like the biggest contradiction ever considering I just wrote an awe inspiring paragraph about looking good for a good price. When it comes to shopping and fashion I am a firm believer that no rules apply as to what you can and can’t do…well no, that’s kind of a down right lie, I believe that statement to be completely untrue, but the point is this mans shoes do not need any form of justification. He is my inspiration. My motivation. My determination that I will one day be at the point in my life where I will be able to afford his absolutely gorgeous shoes, guilt free, sans the husband’s credit card. The day I slip on a pair of those babies, mark my words it will be the most beautiful eight-hour workday on four inch heals ever. There will exist no such thing as pain, because Louboutin is and will be my symbol of power and accomplishment.

My last brand that I can write about before I get carried away is Guess, or their extension, Marciano. Like Victoria’s Secret, this is another store that just excites me when you walk in because you never know what you are going to find. But, you know you will find something because it’s just that good. If I could define my style, this would be the store I would use to do it. Over priced labels, yes, but so worth it. What I love about this store is that its trendy, but once again you can always find stuff that is timeless, that you can wear for years to come. Guess knows its boundaries, they know exactly where that fine line is that separates a piece from being too much or too little. Guess fashion reminds me so much of my mom and her sisters style when they were growing up, sexy but tasteful. My mom is a timeless beauty, very respected and admired by all and I will do whatever it takes to be anything close to what that woman is. They have lots of colour and everything, from bags to shoes, to watches and swimwear. Everything is cute and I want to buy it all, but unfortunately I can’t. The Guess pieces that I do own are definitely cherished and only ‘going out’ worthy.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these brands define me as a person. Clothing is just a small part of the whole package that is me. My clothes are like the wrapping paper on the package, they say a lot about me (and I’m a firm believer they should), but they don’t show you what’s inside the package. In fact, I think I’m a bunch of packages, almost too good to be true and you never know what your going to get…or does that make me a box of chocolates? If that has to be the case, I am Lindt Chocolate. Rich, intoxicating, beautiful and Swiss made. I kid, I kid. It’s been fun, peace.

1 comment:

Jayne Van Dusen said...

Wow, Angela, you are quite a writer. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I may regret it because now I'm wanting to check out Victoria's Secret and Mango. Maybe that's a good thing. Your mark is 10/10.